The CS Coaching Toolkit, developed by Cornell Tech, is a K-12 initiative to provide best practice in computer science coaching and mentoring for school and district embedded computer science instructors and curriculum developers. The ToolKit consists of a card deck with a flexible use approach to help users inform-plan-organize coaching sessions and strategies.
CS Coaching ToolKit
Teachers, Administrators, Curriculum Writers
Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer Science Education
Module 1-3: Co-Teaching & Co-Planning for Inclusive CS Education
Best Practice Models for Coaching
2a., 2b., 2c., 2e., 3a., 3b., 3c., 3d., 3e., 3f., 4a., 4b., 4c., 4d., 4e., 4f., 4g., 5a., 5b., 5c., 5d., 5e., 5f.