The Kapor Center and CSTA conducted a national survey of PreK-12 CS teachers in the U.S. to understand the current landscape of CS teachers, their demographics, identity, teaching background, school context, professional development, curriculum, instructional practice, satisfaction with CS teaching, and knowledge of and use of culturally responsive teaching practices. Between May and July 2020, a total of 3,693 PreK-12 CS teachers participated, from all 50 states.
Examining CS Education from the Teacher’s Len: Results of a National Study
Teachers, Administrators, Researchers, Policymakers
Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer Science Education
Module 1-1: Introduction to CS Education (for Special & Gen Ed Teachers new to CS)
Landscape of CS Education
2a., 2b., 2c., 2d., 3b., 3c., 3d., 3e.