Frequently Asked Questions
Who developed this program?
UDL4CS is a partnership between the Creative Technology Research Lab (CTRL) at the University of Florida with district and state-level partners from across the United States.
Who do I contact for more information?
For more information, contact Dr. Maya Israel: or Dr. Leela Kumaran
Why was UDL4CS created?
UDL4CS was created to build on and expand pre-existing partnerships between CTRL and our district and state level collaborators. The project seeks to address the meaningful inclusion of students with disabilities in K-8 CS education by creating expanded opportunities for data sharing and the creation of teacher professional development opportunities based around Universal Design for Learning.
How do I use the materials developed by UDL4CS?
These materials are designed as a launching point for teacher professional development. They are intended to be applied and customized across context to individual user needs.
What kinds of opportunities are there for partnering with UDL4CS?
The materials developed for UDL4CS are intended to be used by the broad CS education community. If you are a content provider, teacher, coach or other professional with expertise in including students with disabilities in K-8 CS education, we would love to hear from you. We do have the resources to work with a select group of practitioners. See contact information above.
Where can I find out more information about Universal Design for Learning?
General information about Universal Design for Learning can be found at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) UDL website:
Resources related to UDL and computer science education may be found at the CTRL website: