by zneidig | Jan 31, 2022 | Resources
The Creative Technology Research Lab published a “remixed” version of the UDL chart integrating computational thinking and computer science concepts across each of the three main principles. This chart provides users with expamples of how to design an...
by zneidig | Sep 29, 2021 | Resources
A short video detailing core ideas of CT as shown through a CS unplugged activity. Unplugged Lesson in Action – Computational Thinking Teachers Video Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer Science Education Module 1-1: Introduction to CS Education (for...
by zneidig | Sep 29, 2021 | Resources
A concise explanation of CT from Bitesize Computing in the UK. Intro to CT: Bitesize Teachers Website Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer Science Education Module 1-1: Introduction to CS Education (for...
by zneidig | Sep 29, 2021 | Resources
A description of CT from the CS unplugged website which includes multiple examples and a short definition of CT. Computational Thinking and CS Unplugged Teachers Website Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer...