by zneidig | Jan 31, 2022 | Resources
Research on collaborative learning has shown that it can promote cooperation and improve academic achievement for various learners in K-12 classrooms. In engaging students in collaborative learning within CS education, we promote the maximize interactions to achieve...
by zneidig | Jan 31, 2022 | Resources
Hosted by Digital Promise, the Learner Variability Project provides a framework based in research for educators and educational technology developers focused on whole child experiences Providing Context: Social Emotional Learning and Learner Variability Learner...
by zneidig | Jan 31, 2022 | Resources
The Creative Technology Research Lab published a “remixed” version of the UDL chart integrating computational thinking and computer science concepts across each of the three main principles. This chart provides users with expamples of how to design an...
by zneidig | Jan 31, 2022 | Resources
UDL framework provides guidelines to help teachers productively plan for academic diversity present in classrooms. It is proactive to planning or curricular opportunities. There are three principles of UDL ; engagement, representation, and expression and action....
by zneidig | Oct 12, 2021 | Resources
A scenario driven brief describing effective practices for project planning when working with students with disabiliteis in CS classrooms. Helpful Strategies for Scaffolded Project Planning during K-12 Computer Science Instruction...