by zneidig | Jan 31, 2022 | Resources
The evolution of inclusion: The past and future of education. A short video outlining the continuum of inclusion from exlusion, to segregation, integration and finally inclusion. The Evolution of Inclusion: The Past and Future of Education Teachers, Administrators,...
by zneidig | Oct 1, 2021 | Resources
A website with videos and professional learning activities explaining best practices in instructional coaching. Coaching for Change: Effective Instructional Coaching Teachers,...
by zneidig | Sep 30, 2021 | Resources
A video introduction to HLP. What are HLP’s? Teachers Video Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer Science Education Module 1-2: Introduction to Inclusive Practices in CS Ed (for Gen Ed Teachers) Introduction to High Leverage Practices (HLPs) 2a., 2b., 2c.,...
by zneidig | Sep 30, 2021 | Resources
A short video introduction to UDL. UDL at a Glance Teachers, Administrators Video Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer Science Education Module 1-2: Introduction to Inclusive Practices in CS Ed (for Gen Ed Teachers) Introduction to Universal Design for Learning...
by zneidig | Sep 30, 2021 | Resources
A video detailing the history of and basic ideas of free and appropriate education (FAPE), as well as common misconceptions about it. FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education | Special Education Decoded Teachers, Parents Video Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive...