by zneidig | Jan 31, 2022 | Resources
The Creative Technology Research Lab published a “remixed” version of the UDL chart integrating computational thinking and computer science concepts across each of the three main principles. This chart provides users with expamples of how to design an...
by zneidig | Oct 12, 2021 | Resources
A scenario driven brief describing effective practices for project planning when working with students with disabiliteis in CS classrooms. Helpful Strategies for Scaffolded Project Planning during K-12 Computer Science Instruction...
by zneidig | Oct 1, 2021 | Resources
A scenario-driven brief describing effective practices for paraeducators working with students with disabilities in CS classrooms. Helpful Strategies for Paraeducators during K-12 CS Instruction...
by zneidig | Oct 1, 2021 | Resources
A brief explaining best practices in inclusive scheduling in general and specifically for co-teaching. Scheduling for Co-teaching and Other Inclusive Practices Teachers, Administrators...
by zneidig | Oct 1, 2021 | Resources
A scenario-driven brief describing effective practices for co-teachers working with students with disabilities in CS classrooms. Helpful Strategies for Meeting the Needs of All Learners in K-12 Computer Science Through Co-Planning and Co-Teaching...