by zneidig | Sep 30, 2021 | Resources
UDL for Teachers is an online resource adapted from the CAST UDL guidelines from 2018. This interactive site allows users to engage with all three principles in a tiered capacity, navigating through introductory videos at each checkpoint as well as suggested tools to...
by zneidig | Sep 30, 2021 | Resources
A brief introduction to using UDL in the context of CS education. Creating a Learning Environment that Challenges and Engages All Student Teachers PDF Area 1:...
by zneidig | Sep 30, 2021 | Resources
An online learning module which examines the three principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and discusses how to apply these principles to the four curricular components (i.e., goals, instructional materials, instructional methods, and assessments). Universal...
by zneidig | Sep 30, 2021 | Resources
A short video introduction to UDL. UDL at a Glance Teachers, Administrators Video Area 1: Introduction to Inclusive Computer Science Education Module 1-2: Introduction to Inclusive Practices in CS Ed (for Gen Ed Teachers) Introduction to Universal Design for Learning...